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How Mythic’s Positioning, Experience and Design process helps brands align on a strategic path forward

We’ve all been there. Trying to develop a strategic path forward with a client who has multiple stakeholders involved in the project. Your agency’s point of contact is filtering multiple opinions through your team, some of which may even contradict one another. When asked whose opinion matters most, you’re met with the classic, “They’re all important!”

It’s a good problem to have, right? Multiple clients with passionate opinions and skin in the game is always a good sign, and it’s the opportune moment for Mythic’s PED session to come galloping in on a white horse to help align their visions for the brand. In its simplest form, a PED session is a brand workshop, and it stands for Positioning, Experience and Design. The purpose is to unite all stakeholders over a full day (sometimes two!) of discussion and interactivity to gain a consensus to develop a strategic path forward.

  • Positioning - Who are we and what do we stand for? What difference do we make in people's lives?
  • Experience - How do our target audiences experience our brand?
  • Design - How does the brand come to life? What does it look, feel, and sound like?

Creating any one of these elements in isolation is feasible, but risks fragmentation. Therein lies the strength of workshopping positioning, experience, and design together, intentionally working to ensure that each piece is created to work together and support one another, which is key to establishing a cohesive brand.

A PED session is a powerful tool for both the agency team and the client team. As an agency, we get a peek behind the curtain on the client side. We get an understanding of who the key players are, how they think and the elements of the business that inform their decision-making.

On the client side, they get to take a step back from their day-to-day and take a look at their business from the 30,000 foot view. Mythic’s extensive experience in training and facilitation work has helped create the kind of environment where clients feel comfortable voicing their ideas, playing devil’s advocate, working together to solve problems, and putting on their creative hats in a safe space.

The desired outcome changes from session to session, depending on the problem the client has asked Mythic to help them solve, but Mythic’s role is always the same: facilitate the necessary conversations to ensure that opinions get heard, nuances and possible outcomes are discussed, and when all information is out on the table, guiding the group toward a shared point of view with the shared knowledge we’ve all built together.

Each PED session is unique and intentionally constructed to build the most value for the client. Some of the more recent challenges we’ve worked with clients to overcome through PED sessions include:

  • Mission and vision statements for a leader in the K-12 education space
  • Brand frameworks, including brand positioning and value propositions for a family of HVAC brands
  • Marketing department annual goals & priorities for an international nonprofit organization
  • A robust brand framework for a client in the financial services industry
  • A cohesive brand identity for a portfolio company of a private equity firm

Ultimately, a PED is one of many tools in Mythic’s strategy toolbelt. But it's the versatility and dynamic nature of a PED that allows us to flex and adapt to each clients’ specific needs that make it one of our most valuable tools, for Mythic and our clients. If you’ve got a communications opportunity on the horizon that would benefit from some facilitation and strategic direction-setting, reach out to Mythic today.

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